неділя, 28 лютого 2016 р.

Інноваційні підходи в управлінській діяльності та навчально-виховній роботі в процесі реалізації пріоритетного напрямку “Школа безпеки”

Meet our partner school

English connects: Slovenia: We've prepared a presentation on our school, school system, our town Ilirska Bistrica and Slovenia.

This information is prepared by Natasha Zidar, a teacher from Slovenia.

Тест на визначення рівня англійської мови

Пропоную всім бажаючим виконати тест на визначення рівня англійської мови. Знайшла його у мережі. Організатори тестування обіцяють до 5 днів надіслати результати з відповідями на Вашу електронну адресу. Успіхів усім бажаючим !


пʼятниця, 26 лютого 2016 р.

Про нас пишуть!

School & Classroom Program e-Newsletter | February 2016
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A Note from Chelsea:

Dear friends,

It has been an honor to serve as your connecting point for the School & Classroom Program this year. I admire all of you wonderful teachers who are going above and beyond for your students by bringing the world to your classrooms.

Unfortunately, I must inform you that I will no longer be the Coordinator for the School & Classroom Program as I will be leaving PTPI. For the time being, my colleague, Matthew Hughes, will serve as your point of contact through the email account classroom@ptpi.org. Please feel free to address all of your question and concerns to him.

Thank you to everyone who encountered an issue with our registration form, or experienced a lengthy partnering process. I truly appreciate your patience and flexibility. We are working on improving our system to make the process smoother for you next year!

If we were not able to find you a partner classroom this year, I hope that you will consider other ways to get involved with PTPI and request a teacher again next year.

I hope you and your students have a wonderful rest of the school year!

Best wishes,

Please help us share the wonderful work you are doing in your classrooms with our teachers around the world. If you have done a globally focused project with your students or together with your partner classroom, we would love to hear about it. Please complete this form and attach photos of the project. You may see your class's work in a future issue of the School & Classroom Program e-newsletter.

School & Classroom Spotlight

Thank you for submitting your project reports!
Take a look at what these classrooms have been up to!


Teacher: Anastasia Tkachuk

School Name: "Center of Hope" School

Country: Ukraine

Grade Level: 6

Project Name: Halloween Celebration

Project Description: "We tried to combine different educational activities to get our students acquainted with culture and traditions of English speaking countries."

Project Outcomes: "My students were excited to broaden their outlook and gain new knowledge about history, culture, and traditions of English speaking countries. It gave the possibility to enhance their desire to study foreign languages."


Teacher: Khrystyna Bilous

School Name: Zabuzzia Secondary School

Country: Ukraine

Grade Level: 6-7

Partner Class' Country: Greece

Project Name: Carols from Greece and Ukraine

Project Description: "We had an online meeting. Pupils sang national carols of both countries. I wrote a script "The Story of Baby Jesus" and made paper dolls. My pupils and I presented a short puppet play for our young colleagues.

The mail goals of the project are to exchange Christmas traditions between two countries (cross-cultural dimension); to improve listening and speaking abilities of all pupils; to proclaim international understanding and friendship."

Watch the Video Here>>

Trending in Global Education

  • On February 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison. February is the perfect opportunity to talk with students about the challenges South Africa faced under apartheid and similar realities that still exist around the world today.
  • How has being connected to the Internet changed your style of teaching or your studentsaccess to learning resources? Click here to read about the difference educational technology is making in New Zealand.
  • Cultural appropriation – taking on another culture’s traditions or symbols – may not seem hurtful but can unintentionally perpetuate misunderstanding. Find some examples of cultural appropriation here, and ask your students to consider ways they can respect and work to understand the meaning behind how different cultures are lived.

Updates from PTPI

  • Have you considered becoming a member of People to People International? Membership helps to keep the School & Classroom Program free for teachers around the world. We invite you to read more about member benefits and opportunities here and to consider becoming a member today.
  • People to People International is proud to offer student travel programs to help expand the world of young people. If you know a student that would be interested in traveling this summer, you can find more information here
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